Our board and management refuse to post the agenda for board meetings on our website. They say they are abiding by the Civil Code because they post the agenda by the mailboxes, which is a long walk from my unit. Is this correct? . . . LEARN MORE
HOA VIDEO: Managing Your HOA with Committees
What is the difference between an ad hoc committee, standing committee, and executive committee? And how are they . . . . . . READ MORE
Do ZOOM MEETINGS END with the Pandemic?
I received a number of questions about continuing Zoom meetings after the pandemic is over. It turns out many associations like virtual meetings because of their convenience and greater member participation. Can we continue Zoom meetings? . . . LEARN MORE
Below is a helpful tip from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding . . . Virtual Meeting Choices and Problems VIDEO PROBLEMS: Lately there have been articles on security issues with Zoom. Boards should research this company before using them. Perhaps a conventional conferencing service that many...
E-mail Meetings Limited by Davis-Sterling
Below is a helpful tip from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding . . . QUESTION: At our last board election, an attorney did a board orientation. Someone asked whether email communications beyond scheduling meetings were okay for board members. The attorney stated that since meetings are...
Suspending Voting Rights
Below is a helpful tip from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding . . . Suspending Voting Rights to HOA Members QUESTION: Our governing documents give the board authority to suspend members’ voting rights when they are delinquent. If a member who owns more than one separate...