I received a number of questions about continuing Zoom meetings after the pandemic is over. It turns out many associations like virtual meetings because of their convenience and greater member participation. Can we continue Zoom meetings? . . . LEARN MORE
PROOF OF VACCINATION to use the HOA Facilities
How do we deal with some people receiving the vaccine and others refusing? We hope to open our pool this summer. Can or should we restrict those who have not been . . . LEARN MORE
Spending Unbudgeted Money on WILDFIRE SAFETY
We want to pay for wildfire fuel reduction on non-HOA property contiguous to our common areas and homeowners' property lines. This would provide an additional buffer against wildfires. Is such an expenditure . . . LEARN MORE
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & the HOA
The following is advice for HOA homeowners and communities regarding Electrical Charging Stations within the HOA from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC. QUESTION: The Davis-Stirling Act requires homeowners to meet certain requirements when installing an electric vehicle charging station. Newer vehicles can now charge from a standard...