Our association spent $2,000 on a holiday party. We were told that doing so was a violation of our board's fiduciary duties, a misuse of funds, and embezzlement. Is that true? . . . LEARN MORE
Can I get a SENIOR DISCOUNT on my HOA Dues?
A member recently asked our board if they would consider reducing the annual dues for seniors (over age 65). Can an HOA board offer a senior discount? . . . LEARN MORE
NEW HOA LAWS for 2023
We tracked a number of bills affecting associations--several of which died on the Legislature session floor and one which was vetoed. While this year’s bills don’t have significant impact, there are some you want to pay attention to. . . . LEARN MORE
Can the board increase monthly dues from $470 to $495 without a meeting of the association? - Yes. And here's why sometimes it becomes a necessity that nobody wants including the HOA board. . . . LEARN MORE
Replacing HOA Community Landscapes WITHOUT A VOTE
Can the board replace landscaping without a vote from the community?. . . . LEARN MORE
Vegetable gardening has become very popular, and some association members submitted landscape plans with large, galvanized metal planting troughs for their front yards. What limitations, if any, can we impose on front yard plantings? . . . LEARN MORE
PROOF OF VACCINATION to use the HOA Facilities
How do we deal with some people receiving the vaccine and others refusing? We hope to open our pool this summer. Can or should we restrict those who have not been . . . LEARN MORE
Spending Unbudgeted Money on WILDFIRE SAFETY
We want to pay for wildfire fuel reduction on non-HOA property contiguous to our common areas and homeowners' property lines. This would provide an additional buffer against wildfires. Is such an expenditure . . . LEARN MORE