My HOA does not post its CC&Rs, rules, meeting minutes, approved budget, etc. Our management company will not use an online portal because . . . READ MORE
Seventeen years ago, the Open Meeting Act for HOA meetings went into effect. Everyone assumed that emails among a quorum of directors constituted a board meeting and was not allowed. . . . LEARN MORE
Is It Misuse of HOA Funds and EMBEZZLEMENT?
Our association spent $2,000 on a holiday party. We were told that doing so was a violation of our board's fiduciary duties, a misuse of funds, and embezzlement. Is that true? . . . LEARN MORE
Get a helpful tip from the Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding a few HOA election questions you may be having, including. . . . . . LEARN MORE
Can I get a SENIOR DISCOUNT on my HOA Dues?
A member recently asked our board if they would consider reducing the annual dues for seniors (over age 65). Can an HOA board offer a senior discount? . . . LEARN MORE
NEW HOA LAWS for 2023
We tracked a number of bills affecting associations--several of which died on the Legislature session floor and one which was vetoed. While this year’s bills don’t have significant impact, there are some you want to pay attention to. . . . LEARN MORE
Do ZOOM MEETINGS END with the Pandemic?
I received a number of questions about continuing Zoom meetings after the pandemic is over. It turns out many associations like virtual meetings because of their convenience and greater member participation. Can we continue Zoom meetings? . . . LEARN MORE
Adopting EMERGENCY Rules
For most associations, the pandemic was the first time emergency rules were adopted. Can HOA's proceed with more emergency rules? . . . LEARN MORE