HOA Meetings

Managers at Board Meetings

Below is a helpful tip from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding . . . HOA Property Managers at Board Meetings QUESTION: Our manager attends our executive session meetings. We have a new board member who is challenging the legality of the manager’s attendance. It appears to...

Annual HOA Meetings via Teleconference

Have you ever asked, “Can we meet via phone?”  Well, below is an article from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding the association of HOA teleconference meetings. Don’t have time to meet in-person? Let’s have a teleconference meeting. QUESTION: If teleconferences are not provided for in our...

No attorney at HOA meetings.
Are we in violation?

Ever been in an HOA meeting and your property manager says, “I’ll have to check on that.”? Well, below is an article from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding association HOA meetings and having an attorney present. Should we have an attorney at our HOA meetings? QUESTION:...

Executive Session Minutes & Agendas

Things you might find interesting about your Executive Session Meetings. Below is an article from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding the business of Bylaws and whether it is okay to have them unsigned or not. Executive Session Minutes QUESTION: Does Civil Code §4930 also apply to executive...

No Secretary & More About the Minutes

So who’s going to take the minutes? Below is an article from the Davis-Stirling.com Newsletter by ADAMS | STIRLING PLC regarding the Minutes and missing Secretaries. MINUTE PREP WHEN THE SECRETARY IS ABSENT QUESTION: I am secretary for our HOA. An executive session was held at a time when I could...