Pro-Active Residents Can Prevent Claims/Paid Losses

Pro-Active Residents Can Prevent Claims/Paid Losses

Living within an HOA community often involves looking out for not only yourself, but for the well being and safety of the community as a whole.  Below you’ll find some helpful tips for keeping your HOA community well maintained and safe to prevent claims and/or paid losses courtesy of Armstrong/Robitaille/Riegle Business and Insurance Solutions.


We have seen numerous water damage claims from people that leave for vacation or business trips and their units flood causing serious water damage to their units and others.   If you are going out of town for any reason please remember to turn off all lights, gas stove, appliances.  Consider shutting off the water to your unit especially if

  • Toilet is running and you haven’t had time to fix it
  • You hear sounds coming from refrigerator or know it has a slow leak
  • Any faucet has a slow leak and is constant dripping water

Refrigerators are another big cause of water damage to units.  If you have a refrigerator that is over 5 years old consider inspecting or having someone inspect the lines for leaks.

We have seen numerous fires throughout the years caused by candles.  Please be sure and keep them away from window sills where drapes/curtains are present or anywhere flammable materials are close by.  Be sure and always put them out when leaving and no one is at home.   Please be sure and put them out when retiring for the night.

If you see any exposed wiring in common areas report it to the Property Manager and/or Board of Directors immediately.

Even though Property Managers inspect the association grounds with a Board member you too can be on the lookout for

  • Raised sidewalks posing a trip/fall hazard
  • Pot holes in asphalt/pavement
  • Broken sprinkler heads
  • Excessive water buildup on sidewalks/pavement from sprinklers either running too long or pointed in wrong direction
  • Report any street, parking, common area light that is out
  • If any area is dark at night suggest lighting be added
  • Cleanup oil buildup in parking area or report it if not your parking area
  • It’s the first of 2015 so now is a great time to check smoke detectors are working correctly, fire extinguishers have updated service tags and replace your furnace filter,
  • Report any stairwell, handrail or walkways that may be loose, broken or have cracks immediately.
  • Report any automobile that has not been moved within 72 hours and appears to be inoperable.
  • Report any person or persons that you have never seen before and appear to be loitering or suspicious.

Hope this information is helpful to your HOA community.